Saturday, July 25, 2020

Dr Bishwaroop Roy Chowdhary 3 step FLU DIET

3 step Flu Diet

This is suggested by Dr. Bishwaroop Roy Chowdhary for acute fever and respiratory related illness like Corona, flu, pneumonia, SARS, Swine flu etc.

Youtube Video Link in Hindi

Whats needed for this 3 day diet
  • Citrus fruit juice - Any one of the following - Mosambi, Orange, Kinnow, Pineapple. Quantity of juice: 4-5 glasses for 1st day, 2-3 glasses for 2nd day, 1-2 glasses for 3rd day.
  • Coconut water - 4 of them for 1st day, 2 for second day and 1 for third day.
  • Cucumber and Tomtato - Max of ~1/2 kg each for Day 2 and Day 3 will suffice.
  • Simple home cooked dinner for day 3 dinner.
I have tried this out in a limited way when I was not having any flu like symptoms. When I get my next FLU like symptom, I will surely try the full diet and update my experience. If you have tried it and want to update your experience, please comment for everyone to benefit.

Day 1 (Complete liquid diet)

Depending on body weight, patient has to take
X/10 glasses of fresh citrus fruit juice
X/10 glasses of coconut water
X = Body weight
X/10 = 6 glasses if body weight is 60 kg
X/10 = 7 glasses if body weight is 70 kg.
1 glass means 400 ml - i.e a big glass.

Day 2 (Fluid diet)

Depending on body weight, patient has to take
X/20 glasses of fresh citrus fruit juice
X/20 glasses of coconut water
X = Body weight
X/20 = 3 glasses if body weight is 60 kg
X/20 = 3.5 glasses if body weight is 70 kg.
1 glass means 400 ml - i.e a BIG glass.
Y grams of tomato and cucumber.
Y = (body weight * 5) gms.
Y = 300 gms if body weight is 60 kg
Y = 350 gms if body weight is 60 kg

Day 3 (Solid diet)

By 12 noon
X/30 glasses of fresh citrus fruit juice
X/30 glasses of coconut water
X = Body weight
X/30 = 2 glasses if body weight is 60 kg
X/30 = 2.3 glasses if body weight is 70 kg.
1 glass means 400 ml- i.e a BIG glass.
Y grams of tomato and cucumber.
Y = (body weight * 5) gms.
Y = 300 gms if body weight is 60 kg
Y = 350 gms if body weight is 70 kg
Normal home cooked simple food (kichidi etc)

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