All views in this post are my personal OPINION.
This post explains
All views in this post are my personal OPINION.
This post explains
- Why India is yet to attain economic independence?
- Constitution promises us economic independence. Millions of Indians live below poverty line. Is there hope?
One line Summary of what I am trying to convey through this blog:International bankers have fooled 7 billion people including the 1.3 billion Indians into thinking we are independent and that we decide our nation's policies. Chief among the banker families are the Rothschilds' and the Rockerfellars.
Does this post matter? Do we have any control?
YES. As we understand the nature of banking system, we understand that a few bankers can print billions/trillions of dollars and the citizens of the world toil to earn the money printed.
Rather, we have the potential to think and act beyond just money.
- Each individual on earth is unique, HE ENJOYS FREEDOM AS HIS BASIC RIGHT.
- Freedom means to pursue YOUR interests, passions, not that of the bankers.
- Imagine a world where each individual is not assessed in terms of money he earns. He is free to pursue his passion, his interests! It comes with responsibility that we will have to shoulder. Its still worth because we pursue our own dreams!
How long should billions be dictated by a few thousands/hundreds? Its time the world reclaims its Freedom that nature gives us.
What is Nature Given Freedom?
There is no universally accepted definition of this. But, if your consciousness agrees with the definition below, you can use it as the starting point and evolve it as you feel right.
- Freedom means to pursue what interests you!
- Freedom means you think and act as you please in a neutral or positive constructive way.
- You try your best NOT to hurt others in the way you think and act! This means you understand others also enjoy the same freedom as you.
- In case of conflicts (There is no way you can achieve your goals without hurting others), then you try to make the least mistakes possible.
What are the signs that money is the tool to enslave the citizens?
Lets scratch the surface of the giant iceberg and see a few issues that our politicians, economists will avoid mentioning or use technical jargons to mislead.
At the Stroke of the Midnight Hour, as Indians slept, the BANKERS awoke to more LIFE AND FREEDOM....
Indian National Debt is around 1.2 trillion dollars (~52% of the GDP) in 2014. Each baby born in India has a loan account of $1000 as a free gift!
Have you ever thought about these questions and tried to get an answer?
Why does the Parliament never discuss in detail how much loan our government has?
Whats the collateral against it?
Whats the interest on which we are taking the loan?
What we stand to lose if we default? - Why doesnt Indian Parliament discuss about how much currency has to be printed in a year? If Parliament is the supreme authority, why dont they have powers to decide how much currency should be printed? Instead why is it that an independent body called Reserve Bank of India and its board hold that right?
- Who gives loans to Reserve Bank if it has to print extra currency? Who is that powerful nation/body/Corporation which gives loans like 100 billion dollars to India, trillion dollar loans to US?
Fiscal deficit (in short, the loan that government has to repay through tax money) is discussed, but in such non transparent way - Dont we find it contradictory that all the political leaders of Pre Independent India were educated in the Enemy country (England)? - Gandhi, Nehru, Jinnah etc? Do you think England would be ruthless in making Indians slaves in India but the moment they go to Britain, they will teach lessons on liberty, freedom and freedom fighting? On the other hand, almost all home grown freedom fighters were martyred.
- When did we hear for the last time an Indian politician of impeccable honesty? - Instead most of the times, we see only controversial OR dumb people become power heads in India? Why? If honesty was/is the best policy, why is it an exception in politics?
- Does India have any Gold reserves to backup its currency? If so, Where is it...??
- Our government never has funds for problems like Garbage disposal, ensuring clean water to all, affordable land home etc .... But we have enough money to buy 25 billion dollar fighter jets, fund BRICS bank, fund Afghanistan's rebuilding??
- ..........
There are plenty of more issues. But, without further ado, Lets state the facts about the world and how 99% of the world are bonded slaves to the powerful 1% who control it.
Who are the International bankers who control the citizens due to their monopoly over money?
- The Inner City of London (also known as square mile) is the financial capital of the world. They are the ones who finance government loans that amount to those trillions and billions of dollars. Even the Queen of England needs special permission to enter it.
- The Inner city's control lies with 17 families and their descendants. They are known as Illuminati or International bankers headed by the Rothschild family.
- They hold almost all the gold reserves in the world (either in the inner city or other secret locations across the world). To explain a little more , think like this - In order to have a stable economy, we need currency thats backed with something thats valuable and available in limited quantities in this world. For a long time, that standard is gold. So if they (International bankers) have almost all the gold reserves in the world, then they have complete control over world economy.
- They use this powerful position to simply print money. The money thats printed has no backing of gold. It would be more appropriate to say that less than 10% of money printed has the gold backing. This system is called Fractional Reserve System. Its nothing but a fraud ponzi scheme. The catch is - Only the International Bankers can print money legally. They then LOAN it out to you and you have to repay this amount and the interest!
- Illuminati control both the ruling and opposition parties in every country - US, Russia, China, England, India etc. We Indians have been slaves from ages and we continue to be.
Reserve Bank of India acts on the orders of International bankers and not our local politicians or Parliament. The same is the case for Federal Bank in US, Bank of England etc. - A few centuries back, people were slaves to kings. The kings had the power to print currency. They had powers to use force for subjugation of their own citizens or to fight wars with other kingdoms. The king's cronies were landlords and rest of the people were bonded labourers. King's cronies were commanders and rest were soldiers who will go and fight wars. In short, majority of citizens were slaves to their landlords/king.
All thats changed is, the economic power now is concentrated in the 17 families of international bankers. They control all the central banks of the world, political spectrum of all nations. Now, WE THE PEOPLE are economic slaves. We continue to work like bonded labourers - by taking huge loans from banks who only have to print the money or just enter it as a data in computer - and We the people keep foolishly working all our lives paying back our EMIs.
Summary so far
- International bankers are headed by RothsChild family. This family plus 16 other families are the masters.
- They control the World Bank, IMF and Central Banks of all nations.
- The Central banks get permissions from the international bankers on how much money they can print in their printing press.
- Typically its about 10 times the gold reserves that the international bankers have.
- They loan out money to big Corporations and nations
- The big Corporations and Nations make their citizens toil hard and ensure that the International bankers are rich and happy
The International Bankers control almost every sphere of our life
.EVERYTHING means really EVERYTHING! From the soap you use to the land you buy!
- Economic Control - Illuminati can print money - Do we need to say more? This is their core strength! The rest of the control is simply a direct inference of this strength.
- Political Control - Every politician is a slave to the international bankers. Due to this, Illuminati get the power to use force when they please. Most of the wars like World war I, II etc and the current wars in Gaza, Kashmir, Afghanistan are a manifestation of the Illuminatis power. They sponsor both countries @ war through loans. So irrespective of who wins, they are the real winners. Soldiers who fight the war and citizens who pay taxes for the never ending war loans taken by the governments - are the losers. All defense companies are run by the illuminati. They also control the Intelligence organizations across the world - CIA, Mossad, RAW, ISI. They bumped off US presidents - John F Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln for trying to exercise control over currency.
- Energy Control - All the oil companies, power companies etc are run by the Illuminati. Needless to say, they decide the oil price, power prices, nuclear policies etc.
- Food production - They indirectly control this sector by controlling the supply chain. Use of genetically modified crops, green revolution etc were just stratagies so that farmer cannot survive independently. They are forced to grow a single type of crop and they thus become slaves to the economic system.
- Media - Every news channel, newspaper, the advertising industry is regulated by Illuminatis. They decide what becomes news and what doesnt. Just a small example - Sunanda Pushkar died and the news is slowly buried even though there are strong suspicion that its murder. Any unnatural death where person is involved in huge money transactions will never have a proper investigation ever. You can also check how shoddy investigations have been into US President's John F Kenedy's death, British Princess Diana's death etc.
- Health Sector Control The entire Health sector is under Illuminatis control. They create and name diseases, find expensive medicines and sell it to us. You can see that in all hospitals where elaborate diagnostic tests are conducted for simple fever and at the drop of a hat, Doctors will prescribe a long list of medicines. [Edit after 2020] - You can easily see how they manipulated a common seasonal flu into a covid-19 pandemic and brought in measures that were unheard in our generations like lockdowns, vaccine certificates for going to your nearby departmental stores and many other controls.
- Education - The present education system is completely controlled by illuminatis. It is always people who do dumb investing banking who will be offered the richest perks in the world. Software engineers, who code programs which will never be released or which will be throw away 5 years down the line will earn more than the hard working labourers who construct buildings, poor farmers who toil to produce food for us.
- Religion - Every Religion is in Illuminatis pocket. Vatican is their propoganda centre. So are many Heads of religions like Hindus, Muslims etc. You can see that almost all religious leaders never try to implement peaceful solutions in conflict ridden regions. Thats a direct effect of illuminati in control! One small example I can give here is - There are 5 major mutts following the Advaita tradition of Sanatana Dharma. These are the Sringeri mutt, Dwarka mutt, Puri mutt, Badrinath mutt and Kanchi mutt. Just go and ask each of the heads of the Mutt (Matadhipathis) about when was Adi Shankaracharya born? Sringeri mutt will tell you its 8th century AD. Kanchi, Puri, Dwarka and Badrinath mutt will give different dates like 44 Century BC, 550 century BC etc. These religious heads of the Mutts never meet to decide on a common date (direct influence of illuminati). They will also have their own Guru Shisya parampara of their Matadipatis from the dates they believe to be Adi Shankaracharya's date of birth. Clearly, if Adi Shankaracharya was born in 8th century, how can he have Shisyas (students) dating back before 8th century. These contradictions are indicative of how the illuminati destroy our culture, values.
- Every branded product in this world are produced by companies controlled indirectly by illuminati. - Do you think State Bank of India, Reserve Bank of India are Indian? Do you think Indian Oil, Bharat Petroleum are Indian companies? Do you think Hindustan UniLever Limited is Indian? Absolutely NOT!
- Entertainment - They indirectly finance movies, TV shows, etc. Oscars and other movie awards are their direct area of influence. They control indirectly who among the budding talents become superstars and who dont.
OK, Whats the solution?
Well, If you can, marry a Rothschild and settle. Thats a way to help yourself. Amartya Sen did it successfully and look he got a NOBEL prize as a token of appreciation from the RothsChild family. But its not easy. Typicially Rothschild marry only among their cousins.
For the majority of the Aam aadmis, I dont know. Even Aam Aadmi party is controlled by the Illuminatis - Ask Arvind Kejriwal why he got the Magsaysay award even before entering politics and how many US trips did he do so far for getting properly trained? Not that I am pointing finger only at him. Our current leaders - Soniaji, Rahulji, Modiji, Puratchi Thalaivali, so called crusaders like Subramanya Swami, Anna Hazare are mere puppets in the control of the Illuminati.
When the problem gets big, the alternative is dont think about it. Just take the blue pill and return to normal life as though there is nothing wrong in the world. Keep working your a**es to pay off your EMIs. Keep paying taxes - 50% of which is going to go only to service the interests taken by our previous governments on our behalf. Not only you - your children, grand children and more generations have to work equally hard to pay off the stupid loans that our previous governments have taken. There is NO WAY OUT!
I do realize that some control is needed in this world. The present illuminati control, though of massive proportions, is still better than local militias taking over and making the world a worser place. All I am saying is, we need more transparency and more socialist way of economic control. Why should 99% of wealth be with 17 families (~6000 people today)?
Solutions Proposed
- Top level idea from Positive money, an NGO from UK - They are saying the obvious- Get the control to print money out of banks, Let Governments print money not as debt, and all money should go to public interest first NOT for property investments OR financial stock markets. What are the implementation details? Need to check further. Positive Money
- One Practical Solution - UBUNTU MOVEMENT
By far the Ubuntu movement which relies on the principle that the local community decides whats good for them, they own all the land and natural resources and each member acts with the principle that "Anything is good only if its good for all, else its not good for anyone" looks to be the most practical solutions.
2 hour video
Ubuntu website giving a step by step guide on how to achieve Moneyless society
Small things we can do
The next time News channels splash tensions between India, Pakistan, SriLanka, China, DONT BELIEVE IT. Question the funds and follow the money trial. Where are the funds coming for both countries at war? The politicians on both sides are paid to raise stupid issues. Do NOT ever be influenced by patriotic cries. The politicians are getting dollars printed by the illuminati. What do you and me get? - Say no to branded products - Over a period of 10 years, switch slowly to unbranded products where huge commissions are not gobbled by the intermediate agents.
- Help the poor farmer, labourer by giving more money in their hands by whatever means. Do not give to NGOs, government funds which straight reach the illuminatis.
- Say no to drugs, cigarettes and liqour - Thats the illuminatis way of influencing the world and to make people slaves!
- Invest your money wisely - Get out of stocks. Its completely illuminati controlled. Invest more in gold, Bank deposits, hard currency, real estates. All these are compromised, but thats the best we can do.
- Dont foolishly argue that BJP or Congress or Aam Aadmi is better. Dont even think the Democrats or Republicans can change the world. The illuminatis decide who will be the next President of US, Russia, China or the next Prime minister of India, Pakistan or Sri Lanka. They decide when to bump off Presidents, Prime ministers. If you have any doubt, try to see if the politicians ever speak of International bankers, Inner City or the Rothschild?
Indian Budget Analysis 2015
- Indian Central Government earns around 10 lakh crores as revenue and spends 15 lakh crores
- How does it make up the difference which is 5 lakh crores? - For now, understand that this 5 lakh crores is called fiscal deficit.
- India has to borrow from International banks (through their bogus fronts like World Bank, IMF, Federal Bank in US, or other central banks). Naturally this comes with interest that we have to repay in the future.
- OK, thats great. So we have 15 lakh crores of money for development is our first thought. WAIT A SEC - you forgot that we have done this for previous years. So we need to repay our previous loans
- That works out to be = Rs. 6.75 lakh crores (Rs. 2.25 lakh crores Principal payment this year + Rs. 4.5 lakh crores for INTEREST Payment)
- One more data of interest is what is the total principal loan amount we have burrowed so far from international banks - It is just Rs. 60 lakh crores. We can go upto around Rs. 120 lakh crores because thats the entire GDP value of Indian economy. Thats like the limit beyond which we are bankrupt.
Indian Budget 2020 21 Analysis
Indian budget 2020 21 analysis linkThe Indian Parliamentarians are paid by the International bankers and NOT A SINGLE one has interest of the country in mind. Thats the reason, they NEVER discuss these details in the budget. They will market about how they are planning to spend. Please think if India is a country which is borrowing Rs. 5 lakh crores every year from foreign countries, and we the people are working to pay off those loans
- What is National Pride?
- What is National security (Our nation is already SOLD OUT)??
Notes about US Dollar, PetroDollar
http://ftmdaily.com/preparing-for-the-collapse-of-the-petrodollar-system/The link above explains
- Bretton Woods Agreement: How 44 allied nations in 1944 were made to accept US Dollars as reserve currency instead of Gold. Simple explanation being that the conversion of US Dollars to Gold will be fixed at 35$ per ounce.
- From 1944 to 1971, US Dollar was backed by Gold.
- But, Federal Bank issued too many dollars by 1971 and all nations tried to get back to Gold (by converting their dollars into Gold). This became infeasible as US did not have so much Gold backing.
- So, US Dollar was CONVERTED to floating currency. But then, other nations may not need Dollar. So President Nixon and Henry Kissenger came out with the idea of PetroDollars.
- Idea of PetroDollars is US will give weapons and protection to OPEC countries (Saudi and co), but in return OPEC has to trade oil ONLY IN US DOLLARS (which is like worthless paper), and they will stock their profits in US Debt securities (Again a worthless certificate).
- US has bases in 130 countries just to threaten them into submission and to monitor if any other currency is used for Oil!
- All wars like war on Iraq, Afghanistan is only because of maintaining dominance over oil fields plus a way to transport them through Asia for global consumption.
- Current ISIS crisis etc are simply western funded, media propogated drama to keep a hold on the oil reserves.
- http://www.xat.org/xat/moneyhistory.html
- Federal bank and its debt based system
- Healer Baskar's speech about World Politics - I respect Healer Baskar because he is one of the only Indians who has dared to speak about the Illuminati! http://anatomictherapy.org/world-politics-topics.php
There is huge pressure on Healer Baskar today and the government has started putting false cases against him. He was imprisoned for speaking against Home Child Birth. - Thrive Movement: http://thrivemovement.com/
- http://www.economist.com/content/global_debt_clock
- Baba Ramdev on Rothschild, Today Ramdev no more talks a word about Bharat Swabhimaan OR RothsChild. His company has been taken over by the Illuminati! Open Murder of Activist Rajiv Dixit who spoke about Illuminati, the show of Power by the Illuminati to shut down his Delhi Andolan might have forced him to seal his lips! I still hugely respect Baba Ramdev as he might have shut his mouth only because the Indian mass whom he is trying to wake up are not ready to listen to the facts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hVY7lOGRcM
- Whats legal and Whats lawful rights?
- An American Judge's opinion on why America is an enslaved state. He makes a lot of startling revelations which makes sense to me!
- David Icke's Chapter on Paper Money
- Ajit Vadakayil's blog - His posts are sometimes very crude, but its upto the reader to differentiate what can be facts and discard rubbish propogandas!
- Summary
- Secret City of London documentary
- 9 11 tamasha
- PNB Scam explained in simple terms
- Confessions of a economic hitman John Perkins
- YES Bank issue 2020
- David Icke interview on Corona Virus
- David Icke interview - Continuation of the above - Part IV
- Shiva Ayyadurai