Sunday, March 28, 2021

Karnataka State Budget analysis 2021 - 22 and BBMP budget analysis 2021 - 22

For understanding the budget terms, please refer to my earlier blog link
Once you understood the 3 terms - Income, expenditure and Fiscal deficit, you can proceed to read this blog.

Karnataka State budget analysis 2021 - 22 year

Income for 21 - 22 year is estimated @ 1.72 trillion INR and expenditure is estimated @ 2.31 trillion INR.
Deficit is quite high at 0.59 trillion INR which is ~3.48% of the State GDP.

Source: link

BBMP budget analysis 2021 - 22 year

Source: link


Friday, March 19, 2021

What does the 'so called' vaccine - Covishield - contain???

Before injecting yourself with the Vaccine, did you understand what does this so called vaccine contain? Let me explain!
Recipe - Covishield : Its a simple 5 step process!
  • Step 1: Wait for a sick Chimpanzee to Sneeze or cough. Collect some 'adenovirus' when it sneezes.
    Disclaimer: No animal was harmed during the making of this vaccine. Chimpanzee's permission was taken!
  • Step 2: Process this Chimpanzee's adenovirus in laboratory and mix it with so called Sars-Cov-2 spike protein RNA/DNA fragments. Mix well!
  • Step 3: Take a clean plate of Genetically modified Human Embryonic Kidney cells and add the above mixture to this culture. Mix well and allow the virus to infect every cell.
  • Step 4: Collect only the inter cellular fluids which contains the maximum virus discharged from the infected cells. This preparation is 'purely vegetarian' as only the virus particles are extracted and all the Human embryonic cells are discarded.
  • Step 5: For added flavor - mix with L-Histidine, Magnesium chloride hexahydrate, Polysorbate 80, Ethanol, Sucrose, Sodium chloride, Disodium edetate dihydrate and Water.
Your Delicious 'Covishield Vaccine' is ready.
Serve cold to the gullible public!

The above recipe is not a joke. Look carefully in the first picture.
It mentions 'ChAdOx1'.
'ChAdOx1' stands for
  • 'Ch' - Chimpanzee
  • 'Ad' - Adenovirus
  • 'Ox' - Developed by Oxford University formula '1'.
The Government is spending 35000 crores for this shot and public is queuing up to get themselves injected!

If you are still not convinced, Oxford University has published a 'technical' diagram below!
Quoting Mahatma Gandhi from his book 'A guide to health' published in 1921.

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India