I am open minded about both Flat Earth and Spherical Earth.
Both are theories that tries to explain universe's structure. Both of them have their pros and cons.
Most people feel that Earth is spherical globe. It is spinning at a rapid rate around itself and revolving around the sun. Sun itself is revolving around the centre of the galaxy. On top of this, the universe is ever expanding at a rapid rate. But, the point is none of this movement can ever be felt, experienced or measured??? It is strange.
In my view, people are so brainwashed about the helio centric model that they regard "Flat Earth" as a consipiracy theory. They feel anybody saying "Flat Earth" are idiots of the highest order and society will brand these people as folks who have totally lost their mind. Thats reason enough for me to consider the theory important!!
The following video provided one of the best and a very interesting perspective for anyone interested. Its a 5 hour long video. I will try to summarize it in this thread.
Lost History of Flat Earth - 5 hour long video
I am open minded. I am neither a proponent nor criticizer of the flat earth theory. I feel its a good model just like the helio centric model that tries to explain Universe's structure. The reality/truth may be like the helio centric theory or Geo centric theory OR it might be very different from both the theories. We dont know. It is certainly worth studying it in a transparent model rather than calling it eccentric.
Here are the interesting things that is told in the above video I have linked that helped me understand that flat earth theory has its merits.
- The first one hour is focussed on a very tangential topic. The interesting point they make is that photography started off in 19th century (i.e. 1800 to 1900). They show some photos where there are no people in big cities in Europe and Russia. This is certainly strange. Then, there are other photos where people look rural - i.e. no great technological advancements - just cities buzzling with people and horse carts etc.
- Then, they come to ancient buildings and monuments that were built. Our present controllers label this as Gothiac architecture, Renaissance architecture and so on. The narrators of the video state that without power tools, without advanced technological equipments and knowledge, these structures could not have been built. Certainly not by people who have no access to electricity and crude oil to power their travel. They further add that these magnificent structures are today used as Religious instituitions, Parliament or Government buildings etc. But, there are lots of commonalities here - Antenna like structures at the top, domes with super high precision symmetry, central hall, pillars with metals etc.
- They then move on to explain that these are Electro Magnetic Generation Factories and not just any super precision art work where people just did it to pass their time.
- They then explain how the earth can be modelled as flat.
- Earth and solar system can best be described as a semi spherical Bubble within a Cosmos filled with water.
- There is a strong magnetic centre and that emits Electro Magnetic waves. Aether is the 'space' that helps transmit these electro magnetic waves and vibrations and within the Aether, all creations - earth, water, air and fire can be created.
- The boundary between the earth's bubble and the outer water cosmos is called the Firmament.
- Ionosphere are layers between the base of the earth and the firmament filled with various gas.
- Sun and Moon are likely formed due to the interaction of the Electro magnetic waves with the Ionosphere. Moon is described as a Plasma formation.
- Stars are light emitting patterns inside the Cosmos' watery space outside the firmament.
- Earth (Circular base of the half bubble) consists of the 'known' world and an 'unknown' world.
- In the known world of the Earth, you can visualize it as a flattened model of a Globe (Spherical) model. Here, the north pole (artic) will still remain. But, there will be 'no' South pole. Its all Ice - whats known as Antartic.
- Beyond the known world (i.e beyond the Antartic ice walls), there lies an 'unknown' or dark world.
- The centre of the known + unknown world is the centre of the Earth (also known as the Geographic north) and directly above is Polaris.
- All stars rotate around the polaris in anti-clockwise direction and with high precision.
- Since the relative position of the stars is fixed, we can use that as a guide to circum navigate the Earth. This is the reason that our ancestors have divided the sky into 12 slices i.e. Aries, Pisces, Acquarius, Cancer, Capricon, etc. They can help in navigating our earth both in the known world as well as the unknown - i.e. beyond the Antartic ice wall.
- Sun and moon revolves around the tropic of cancer, equator and capricon causing different seasons.
- The 'known' world i.e. the area which recieves the sun and moon light itself is changing. This movement is also super precise and after a given time, different parts of the 'unknown' world will get illuminated. After a great year (i.e. after 25920 years), the sun and the moon would have completed a 360 degree motion and it would have come back to the same point in that circular motion. To help understand this, every 2160 years, 'known' world keeps revolving by 30 degrees around the earth's geographic centre and after 25920 years, it comes back to illuminate the same 'world' that it illuminates today. So, Antartic ice wall is nothing but just a temporary ice structure that keeps melting and reforming.
I know this is too much to digest for a society which ridicules and criticizes any new information.
Why is this important? Everything looks ridiculous when you hear the first time.
I feel that this is an important alternate theory. I feel that the current helio centric model also suffers from a lot of inconsistencies.
Let us now see what are the inconsistencies in the popular helio centric model and how the above flat earth theory is able to address those gaps.
- Water cannot curve into a spherical shape. In flat earth, water does not need to 'curve' itself and its just a flat surface of ocean.
- In Helio centric theory, speed of various celestial bodies like earth, moon, sun and planets are extremely high i.e. much higher than even speed of sound. We dont feel any of these movements neither can this be measured. Thats very strange. See this video to get a visualization of how absurd it is to model the various motions of sun, moon and earth!
- No proper video/photo exists of the south pole i.e. the absolute south of the Spherical earth. Its surprising that humans have managed to explore every inch of earth but when it comes to Antartica, ordinary citizens of the world are not allowed to visit it. Also no Aeroplane flies over the south pole, but many Aeroplanes fly daily over north pole. This is perfectly explained by a flat earth model.
- (I am yet to validate) Many Aeroplane flight routes look to be optimal and follow the distances as per the flat earth and not the spherical model. I will add more details here after validating. One video explaining how sub optimal routes are taken by flights assuming a Spherical model
- The constellations and the relative positions of the stars do not change. This also is better explained through the flat earth model rather than the spherical model.
- The critical point in a flat earth is that distance in the southern hemisphere locations become quite large as compared to helio centric model. There are everyday flights operating between Sydney and Santiago, Chile. This is said to be around 14000 miles and 14 hours of travel time in a global spherical Earth model. The claim (yet to be verified) is that in flat earth, this distance is ~25000 miles. No commercial airplanes can cover 25000 miles in 14 hours is the claim.
- I tried to verify the above point. I checked with Google Bard. It says that there are direct flights from Auckland, New Zealand to Santiago Chile. The air distance between Auckland and Santiano is ~6000 miles in helio centric model. Flight takes ~11 hours which seems reasonable.Commercial Flights can fly at ~600 mph.