Saturday, August 29, 2020

Salute to the Doctors and Citizens exposing the Covid Pandemic scam!

Freedom is every citizen's fundamental right and the Governments across the world (including USA, UK, European governments, India, Pakistan, Russia, China etc) are snatching that away by promoting needless fear in the name of a virus.
The Covid virus is nothing more than an ordinary FLU and it is to be treated exactly the same way as any other FLU with rest, lot of liquids, Vitamin C diet. For one such natural treatment, refer to my other blog - Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury's 3 step FLU diet
Pandemic is a scam as the Government has just used the virus as their tool to control the world. In India, they have enacted National Disaster Management Act (which is nothing but as the name suggests - Disaster)!

Questionable steps by the Evil forces within Governments in the name of Covid

  • Funding for Covid - All Governments have billions of dollars for funding Covid measures. They are not transparent on where this funding is coming and they are also not transparent on why only selective methods (face masks, social distancing, lockdowns etc) are being funded.
  • Face masks - There has been several questions raised that face mask is not beneficial. Its like putting a football net to prevent mosquitoes. But, Government after Government make this 'mandatory' not just a 'guideline'
  • Social distancing - Humans from millions of years have lived without the need to social distance. While governments dont endorse, there are indications that social bonding is necessary for increasing our immunity. If nothing can be proven due to lack of funding, based on our own intuition - it will not harm us in any way. But, in the name of social distancing, the government gets the right to 'seperate' the patient from family. They can use them for their own clinical trials of drugs. These cases have been reported everywhere.
  • Lockdowns and Quarantines - Government can as it pleases them impose lockdown and quarantines - Night Lockdowns, Day lockdowns, Weekend/Weekday lockdowns. Special passes are issued to those who can continue to operate. Its like - Virus will see the pass and not touch anyone with the stupid Government issued pass.
The politicians, judiciary and media are being funded to support Covid. Parliaments, Courts and main sream media are not speaking anything supporting common sense and truth. Hence, Citizens, Doctors and other people from all walks of life are coming out and these voices are gaining popular support. I will list them and I will keep updating the links that each of them have spoken in due course of time. "In times of Universal deciet, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act"!! Salute to the heroes for supporting justice and their interpretation of freedom and truth.

Heroes - Doctors and Professors who are saying Virus is nothing more than Flu and the Pandemic is a scam:

Doctors and Professors who are saying this virus is nothing more than FLU

  • Professor Sunetra Gupta, an epidemiologist - reference link
  • Dr. BM Hegde - reference link
  • Dr. Giridhara Kaje - Ayurveda Doctor from Bangalore. - reference link
  • Dr. Scott Jensen - US Senator. - reference link
  • Dr. Remya Krishnan - Ayurvedic doctor - Science based evidence based Ayurveda (SBEBA) - reference link
  • reference link - Great Barrington Declaration - Movement started by Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist.
  • Dr. Aseem Malhotra - Cardiologist - Twitter link

Heroes from other walks of life who are saying that the pandemic is a political scam

These people are labelled 'conspiracy theorists' by the evil world elite since they have spoken against Covid and its restrictions:

Local clinic in Bangalore where doctors are treating patients with love and care and not with fear and masks

  • Dr. Raju and Dr. Nivedita from Sagar Clinic Hoodlu Palya Bangalore. Clinic google map link . I heartily thank such doctors who are coming forward to provide the right scalable solution to the people. Thank you Dr. Raju and Dr. Nivedita!

Open letter listing all the points against a declaration of pandemic

Open letter

Some good posts on the subject

How to overcome mandatory covid jabs or vaccines

doctors for covid ethics
Important article about Pfizer vaccine's Absolute risk reduction number being 0.84% rather than the advertized Relative risk reduction of 95%

One more analysis on the same Relative Vs Absolute risk reduction

An article describing Dr. Stephan Lanka research. The simple theory is that viruses dont exist and all virus research are based on wrong foundational assumptions.

Opinion blog

Big article on how the propoganda works about so called vaccine safety

Feb 2022 update: Huge victory and Restoration of fundamental rights to the Indian citizens without discrimination basis vaccination. Thank you Team members of Awaken India Movement (AIM) - Yohan Tengra,Feroze Mithiborewala and Advocate Nilesh Ojha.

Critical of WEF and its devious plans

I will update the details on the summary each of the above citizens are saying. To win this battle is quite easy. We need to ignore/protest the Government's foolish measures and not give importance to them. We need to hear out what each of the doctors/journalists who understand freedom are saying and increase our immunity to stay healthy, peaceful and prosperous!! Jay Hind! Vande Mataram!

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India